The goal of this project was to design an augmented reality mobile application for the Ohio History Center. As a community-focused project with the Ohio History Connection, the experience would focus on helping address complex problems caused by the pandemic and leverage identifiable opportunities to bring the museum to life and enrich the visitation experience. My team built upon and expanded the AR prototypes developed by students in ACCAD and CSE Designing Immersive Virtual Environments course.
The Organization
The Ohio History Connection is a statewide history organization with the mission to spark the discovery of Ohio’s stories. As a nonprofit organization, the Ohio History Connection carries out history services for Ohio and its citizens focused on preserving and sharing the state’s history. The Ohio History Connection works closely with local, national, and international partners to advance Ohio history.
The Project
The Ohio History Connection was in need of an app/hub for future AR experiences at the museum and a guide for brand-new visitors. To develop such an app/hub, my team and I researched how other museums implemented their AR experiences and made it an easy journey for their visitors.

Home Screen. This is what you'd see when opening the app

Navigation/Map. Allows users to choose where they'll be in the museum and brings up a map based on their selection

AR. Allows the user to select which AR experience they are at so that can follow the prompt and be immersed fully in the experience.

At Home. This gives the user the ability to use the AR experiences from the museum at home.